Dermaplaning: Benefits, Side Effects, and Contraindications

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To the men and women who wish to look younger without undergoing hefty surgical procedures, there are certainly a lot of options out there.
A certified dermatologist performs most of these procedures, and one of the newest and most effective ones is called dermaplaning.
Dermaplaning is a simple, fast procedure that requires little downtime, but of course, before you rush out and schedule an appointment with your doctor, it’s good to know a little about the procedure first, and that’s what this article is here to do.
We will discuss how dermaplaning works, its benefits, side effects, at-home vs professional treatments, contraindications, and more.

What Is Dermaplaning and How Does it Work?

Dermaplaning is an effective and safe process that involves scraping the face with a painless blade to remove the top layers of your skin, leaving your skin smooth and younger-looking.
It is great for people who have lines, wrinkles, dull-looking skin, and scarring from things such as acne, and it requires very little downtime as well. The procedure usually lasts for about three weeks, and although it is not covered by insurance, each session is usually reasonably priced.
It works because the dermatologist uses an exfoliating blade that essentially skims dead skin cells and hair off of your skin, leaving behind skin that is satiny smooth.
Dermaplaning is an exfoliation technique, that’s why after the treatment, your skin will be prepped to absorb skincare products more easily, meaning your serums and moisturizers will be able to work more effectively.

What Are the Benefits of Dermaplaning?

In addition to the benefits mentioned above, other benefits of dermaplaning include:
  • Skin that is smooth, bright, and radiant
  • Diminishes the appearance of acne scars
  • Improves the appearance of fine lines
  • Can improve skin that is damaged by the sun
  • Minimizes large pores
  • Helps remove hair and dead skin cells on your face
  • Increases topical absorption
  • Non-invasive, painless
  • There is no downtime
  • Works on any skin type

This is the reason you’ll find both men and women choosing to get a dermaplaning treatment, and the best part is that there are very rarely any side effects, regardless of your age or the condition of your skin.

Dermaplaning Risks and Side Effects

As a general rule, dermaplaning is a very low-risk procedure, with side effects being few and far between. Some of the side effects that occasionally occur include:

  • Slight redness in the face immediately after the procedure
  • Some whiteheads one to two days after the procedure
  • Scarring (very rare)
  • Infection (very rare)
  • Patchy skin pigment where the procedure took place, which will subside over time

If you do end up scarring, many dermatologists will inject steroids into the scarred area to soften the scar tissue and cause it to look much less noticeable. If you get patchy skin pigment, it will very likely disappear with time.

While all of these side effects are very rare, they may occur and, therefore, you should discuss your chances of experiencing any side effects with your doctor.

At-Home vs. Professional Dermaplaning

Although both at-home and professional dermaplaning are safe and effective, professional treatments are usually recommended. Why? Because professional dermatologists have tools that remove more layers of skin than the at-home treatments do, and they can remove them much faster as well.
For the most part, the at-home tools that people buy don’t have quite the exfoliating effect that the tools used by the professionals do. Many at-home tools are simply single-edge razors, and they just don’t do the same job as professional treatments do. In addition, there is a higher risk of infection and pain during home procedures.

You should also take into consideration that even though at-home tools are less expensive, they are not that much cheaper in many cases. Tools you buy yourself can cost up to $195, while a professional dermaplaning treatment usually costs $75 to $250. Since you’re going to have to pay for it anyway, many people feel they should go ahead and spend a little bit more and get professional service.

Dermaplaning Contraindications

As successful and wonderful as dermaplaning is, there are some situations you should be extra careful with if you’re considering getting this treatment done. A good dermatologist will make sure you qualify before getting the treatment, but below are some contraindications of dermaplaning:

  • Acne that is inflamed
  • Any open wounds on the skin
  • Raised lesions on the skin such as cold sores
  • Some skin conditions such as dermatitis or keratosis pilaris
  • Skin cancer
  • Use of Accutane in the past six months
  • Any allergy to nickel

If you have any type of redness or tenderness on the skin, in fact, you should bring it to the doctor’s attention so that together, you can decide if dermaplaning is right for you. If you take Accutane, make sure you discuss that issue with your doctor before you agree to the treatment.

FAQ - Dermaplaning Benefits

Q: How often can I get a dermaplaning treatment?

A: The effects of the treatments generally last three to four weeks, so you can get dermaplaning treatments roughly once a month.

Q: How long does it take to recover from a dermaplaning treatment?

A: Unless you experience side effects, which are rare, you won’t have any down time at all. You can immediately go back to your regular activities unless otherwise advised by your doctor.

Q: What should I put on my face after a dermaplaning treatment?

A: For one week before and in the weeks after a dermaplaning treatment, sunscreen must be worn so the treatment isn’t compromised. You also need to stay away from any other types of skin treatments, both before and after dermaplaning.

Q: Is the dermaplaning tool just a razor blade?

A: No, it is far more than that. The doctor will aim a sterile blade at a 45-degree angle and drag it slowly across your face. In the process, dead skin cells, scar tissue, and any other debris are immediately removed, making way for much cleaner and smoother skin.

Q: Does hair grow back thicker after dermaplaning?

 A: No, your facial hair will grow back normally.

Bottom Line: Dermaplaning Benefits

Since dermaplaning treatments came to the United States, they have grown in popularity by leaps and bounds. They are painless, fast, and they work, so people of all ages are foregoing more complex and expensive treatments for dermaplaning because they love the effects they get to enjoy afterward.

There seem to be only two downsides to having this treatment, and they are not enough to keep most people away.

The first is the potential side effects, which are very rare anyway; and the second is that the treatments are not covered by insurance. Still, the treatments don’t usually cost more than $250, and since you won’t be paying that but once a month, most people find it very easy to fit this luxury into their budget, especially once they see the results the first time.